
Sunday, March 20, 2011

What is the point?

In my first post, I wrote about how I wanted this blog to not only show people how they can simplify their lives and re-purpose common household items, but that it was also a journey to meaning and fulfillment...and who doesn't want that?

Well, I've decided that on Sundays I'm going to post something along the lines of the latter.

One of the greatest, wealthiest kings to ever live was king Solomon. Even if you're not a bible reader, history tells us that he amassed wealth far above anything that most of us could ever imagine. Look at Versailles...the gilded mirrors, chandeliers of pure gold, expensive paintings...and multiply that wealth by 20 (probably more)! So, given what we're raised to believe in America, shouldn't Solomon have been one of the happiest people on earth? Even if he realized that "things" don't bring happiness, wouldn't just the security of NEVER having to worry about money bring peace? It didn't.

In Ecclisiastes Solomon wrote, "Meaningless! Meaningless! Everything is meaningless!" The wealthy king was having a moment. If you've never had this moment, just will. It's the moment where you realize that even though you may have everything you want, eventually, you'll die...and what will have been the point of it all?

I've had these moments. Usually, they come when I'm extremely happy about something. I'm not saying that God is a kill-joy. Actually, I'd say the opposite. He wants us to live a life of abundant joy. But, I think He uses these moments to keep me in check. To remind me of where I'm finding my happiness. I'll give you an example. I bought this book a couple of days ago at Borders. They're going out of was $14.00. I was super excited because this book contained all of these great IDEAS about redecorating and throwing brunches and whatnot (I told you all how I love ideas)! Anyway, we were driving back to our hotel from the book store and the thought just struck me..."what's the point? Who cares if I redecorate my house? Who cares if I live in the most beautiful house ever? Who cares if I throw a great dinner party? None of it really matters in the grand scheme of things..."

That might sound depressing...but really, it's not. It's not depressing because, as king Solomon eventually concluded, everything isn't completely meaningless. There are things that DO matter.

As a Christian, my life has been rePurposed. The whole point of my life isn't to accumulate things, or to get married, or to have kids. Don't get me wrong. Family is very important to me. I happen to be married, and I would like to have kids someday. But, ultimately, the purpose of my life is to know God and to make Him known. It would take a lot of typing and several posts to get into what I think that looks like, and I'm not a theologian. If you want to email me, I'd be glad to go further into my story, and tell you how real God has been to me, and how he literally has saved me...but for now, I want to stick to my main point. How I do have a purpose, how life is not meaningless.

The things that will remain long after we're gone have to do with other people and with God. Not with things we buy, or the house we live in, or what we do for a career. I'm still excited about my book! Only, as I said before, I think that these thoughts keep me in check. They remind me to find my true happiness in my relationship with Christ, and in knowing that yes, someday I will die, but that won't be the end. There are things I will have done in this life, good and bad, that will echo in eternity...only I have this great hope that "as far as the east is from the west, so far He has removed my transgressions." I can live with the purpose of getting to know God more every day, and also enjoying the relationships he's given me here on earth...and little things like books about redecorating ;-)

So, like I said...Sundays you may find posts along this line, a rePurposed life...but I'm still going to be posting throughout the week about rePurposing "items." Since I'm a fitness instructor, I have a passion for helping others live well, so I may throw in a few posts about health as well. Hope you'll stop back soon :-)

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