And then there are times when our expectations are WAY off. And that is where I begin the story of my beautiful son's entrance into the world.
There was a time when I was afraid of labor. . .the first, oh, maybe four months of my pregnancy to be exact. I'd watched a video on natural childbirth
Well, I switched from an OB to a midwife (since I figured midwives were more supportive of my drug-free labor decision), and the midwife suggested a water birth
I went to see a midwife on my due date, July 6th. I was soooo ready to meet my son! I did not want to go past my due date. I'd been seriously nesting (including laying laminate floor by myself in our upstairs bedroom the week before), and I had to be ready to go any day! I was seriously disappointed when she told me I was only about a centimeter dilated; however, she offered to "strip my membranes" (sounds was), and since I was so anxious to meet baby, I said "OK!" She said it might not work but that it was possible I could go into labor that evening. Well, I started having contractions about an hour later at 4 pm. They hurt, but they weren't so bad that I became nervous or anything. They just felt like period cramps, times 10! They were only coming about 7-8 minutes apart, and I was in denial that I was actually in labor. We decided to go out to dinner with friends, during which I kept having to close my eyes and breath through these "mild" contractions. I felt bad that I couldn't pay attention to the conversation, but I remember telling everyone that "if this really is labor then I don't think it will be so bad!"
Fast forward about six hours. I'm in bed, trying to sleep, but these contractions keep coming every seven minutes on the dot! They were starting to get more painful. I couldn't sleep. AT ALL. I was awake all night timing these things, still telling myself that this wasn't labor. When my hubby woke up the next morning, we decided to kill time and go get some coffee at Barnes and Noble. I don't know why, but I was still in denial. I still didn't think that I was in labor, even though now they were coming every five minutes. I had no idea that this would be my last child-free latte. If I'd known I might have savored it a bit longer ;-) When we got home they were hurting pretty bad. We called our friends to borrow an exercise ball, hoping it would help with the pain. It didn't really.
Finally, we decided to call the hospital, though I was sure they would tell me to wait. Surprisingly, they said to come in. "Really?" I thought. I almost didn't pack a bag. I figured they'd send us home once we got there. We walked in and they asked if I still wanted to do the water birth. I enthusiastically said that I did so they ushered us into the room with the big tub. Sadly though, I was still only 1-2 centimeters dilated. Now I was really convinced I'd be sent home, but since my contractions were so close together, they decided I should stay for a couple of hours to see if any progress would be made. Those two hours were an eye opener.
For some reason, during those two hours, my "period cramp" contractions turned into something else altogether. . .something more along the lines of knives shredding the inside of my body to pieces. Loud, moaning sounds were emanating from me even though I swore to myself I wouldn't cry, scream, or moan. I think I eventually probably screamed, I'm not sure. After two hours the midwife checked again...only two centimeters! What!? At this point a nurse suggested I get in the tub to see if it would help to relax me. She was so nice, not like the other nurse who told me to "stop fighting it" and "all women have to do this." That nurse left me with an enormous bruise on my arm that lasted three weeks (from the IV), and thankfully she was only there for a few minutes. They must have sensed that I wasn't in the mood to be told to "stop fighting it." Anyway, poor Bri, the nice nurse. By the time I got in the tub I was asking for pain meds. Now, you can't do a water birth if you have an epidural, so after about an hour they came back with some IV meds. Sure they relaxed between contractions. They really did nothing during them. Not too long after that I was in so much pain that, in my delirium, I was asking to be "put to sleep." My dear husband, who knows me so well, understood that I meant "put me to sleep" in the what-they-do-to-sick-pets way and not the what-they-do-in-surgery way. Sure I laugh at it now. . .
I needed the epidural. I wasn't going to make it and after being at the hospital for seven hours and in labor for 29 hours, they finally stuck the needle in my back and boy did it feel good! Despite the fact that part of me felt like I was failing for not doing it the "natural" way and whatever, I was so relieved to get some relief. To make a long story short, things progressed pretty quickly after that and I needed another "boost" of medicine because after two more hours I was at 8 centimeters and the drugs were wearing off! By the time they came back to give me another jolt, I was at 10 and ready to start pushing. They said I might not be able to feel the contractions if they gave me more juice, but I said "give it to me!" They did. I could still feel the contractions and 45 minutes later, at 1 a.m on July 8th, 2012 after somewhere around 33 hours total, Samuel was born (on dry land)!
Things didn't go the way I had planned. Labor was definitely not what I'd expected. I hadn't met my own expectations. But the love and joy and amazement that I felt when I saw my son for the first time exceeded anything I could have ever imagined or expected! That moment is indescribable, so I'm not going to even attempt to convey its awesomeness! I knew then that it didn't matter how Sam got here. It didn't matter if it was all natural, if I'd had all the drugs they could offer, or if I'd had to have a C-section. All that mattered was that he was here. He was perfect, and, like everyone tells you, you forget all about the pain the moment your baby is finally in your arms.
stay tuned for part 2: I'm thinking of calling it "new mom or walking zombie."
Motherhood simply fits you Linds. It's like you are a new woman, blossoming right with Sam! Love you!